Volume 2 - Issue 5

Volume-2-Issue-5Kiss to Cure Challenge: It doesn’t have to be hyperglycemia to be sweet. This photo was selected for the launch of the Kiss2Cure challenge that has been organized by The Cure Alliance, and participating diabetes foundations and non-profit organizations worldwide, to support collaborative efforts of Type 1 diabetes cure-focused research and/or to promote awareness of Type 1 Diabetes. The donations raised will be distributed as determined by the “local” diabetes foundations and non-profit organizations that will participate in this joint effort with The Cure Alliance. In this direction, for example, some foundations will distribute all contributions received to support translational research for a biologic cure, while other organizations, for example in Italy, in consideration of the recent death of a teenager who was misdiagnosed at the onset of Type 1 Diabetes, will direct the funds towards the production of a video/animation to educate the public and professionals on signs and symptoms of diabetes at the onset. A list of choices for contributions will be available and updated regularly on the Facebook page “The Cure Alliance” and on the LinkedIn group “CellR4”. Contributions will be offered after asking and obtaining a documented (picture and/or movie clip) “kiss on a cheek”, which could even be “virtual” (e.g. kiss of your favorite person’s picture). All pictures and/or movie clips will be posted on a dedicated Instagram page (CureAlliance) and on YouTube.

CellR4 2014; 2 (5): e1226

Human Stem Cell Exposure to Developmental Stage Zebrafish Extracts: a Novel Strategy for Tuning Stemness and Senescence Patterning

CellR4 2014; 2 (5): e1215

Isolation and Characterization of Swine MIAMI Cells: A Valuable Animal Model for Adult Stem Cell Therapy

CellR4 2014; 2 (5): e1212

Innate Immune Response and Gut Microbiota in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

CellR4 2014; 2 (5): e1197

Pediatric Islet Autotransplantation after Total Pancreatectomy for Hereditary Pancreatitis with Defined Genetic Variants